IDHA’s work is focused on developing effective response to development challenges and emergencies by sharing skills and providing technical knowledge. We enable individuals and institutions to build self-sufficiency by adapting and adopting ideas, knowledge and skills that help them fight the causes and consequences of poverty, inequality and vulnerability. We share our expertise through:

Institutional Capacity Building & Training

IDHA supports individuals, institutions, NGOs and corporations to develop lasting solutions to the challenges they face. We facilitate exchange of knowledge and skills that make institutions more effective in delivering for citizens. We do this through training courses, customized programmes and consultancy services. Our work helps institutions develop and maintain high standards of transparency and value for money by improving financial management, increasing revenue and reforming public procurement. In Sierra Leone, IDHA has been involved in training and capacity building initiatives focused on revenue mobilization for local councils, supporting financial inclusion, facilitating institutional assessments and strengthening institutional administrative and management systems, as well as supporting organizations in strategic planning, among others.

Program design, delivery and evaluation

IDHA collaborates with partners to design and deliver practical and innovative development solutions. We draw from our experience and knowledge of our core experts in development and humanitarian assistance to support people and organizations to develop strategies that hasten self-sufficiency and prosperity. We have wider knowledge and experience of designing and delivering complex programs in normal, emergency, and recovery settings.

Research and Strategy Development

At IDHA, we research on social issues and economics that affect development at micro and macro level. Our current research interests include the role of political and social institutions in shaping human capital, gender-violence, crime; the measurement of poverty; household dynamics and individuals’ outcomes; the relationship between health and economic development; linkages between income, income inequality and health status; the impact of AIDS and similar pandemics on individuals and households in sub-Saharan Africa; and schooling, school quality and returns to education. We use the knowledge generated to inform and shape development interventions to ensure better results.


IDHA’s role in development assistance directly corresponds to nine global Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). We work in the areas of Livelihood & Economic Growth (SGDs 1, 2 & 10), Water & Environment (SDGs 6, 13 & 15), Governance and Public Administration, Humanitarian Assistance, Gender Equality (SGD 5), and Education (SDG 4). We apply our expertise and capabilities to help solve difficult development challenges associated with:

Livelihood & Economic Growth

IDHA’s work supports the creation of prosperous societies by helping leaders, businesses and citizens build strong economies and more stable societies with sustained growth, less poverty, hunger, and inequality. Our work helps reduce extreme poverty and hunger by promoting fair distribution of wealth and resources through fair trade and improved agriculture production. Our knowledge of various crop and animal value chains facilitates maximum results in production and productivity. Our programming expertise and knowledge of local conditions and policies minimize risk and enable us to drive inclusive growth with sustainable benefits to all citizens. We provide analysis and advice, and deliver solutions that address practical problems faced by local communities, the private sector, and governments as they seek to grow.

Water, Environment & Climate Change 

Our work supports reliable and affordable access to renewable energy and clean water.  We work with communities, CSOs and governments to broaden energy access and mitigate the impact of climate change through locally-led innovative approaches that protect the environment. We strive to improve the use of natural resources and to reverse the impact of environmental degradation. Our expertise enables us to engage in activities such as; Environmental Impact Assessments, promoting climate smart approaches, land and natural resource management, sustainable use and management of forests, and environmental education.

Governance and Public Administration

The objective of good governance is to create an environment that strengthens the rule of law, human rights, gender equality, and equitable and sustainable management of natural resources. IDHA encourages and supports collaboration between leaders and citizens in the delivery of high quality, as well as transparent public service delivery with value for money. We do this by supporting public sector reform, improving public financial management, and monitoring mechanisms. Our expertise enables us to apply evidence-based analysis and politically neutral approaches that are grounded in local contexts.

Humanitarian Assistance

Our work helps governments and agencies to deliver life-saving and life-changing results in a cost-effective and efficient way. We develop and promote tested strategies that support interactive collaboration and engagement with local communities during assessment, planning and delivery of emergency assistance. Our past experience in disaster risk management, and collaboration with local partners and institutions in disaster management, insure the effectiveness of our strategies.

Gender Equality

IDHA supports achievement of all targets of gender equality and empowerment of women and girls. We support governments, individuals, institutions and local groups to develop and implement strategies that eliminate all forms of discrimination, harmful practices and violence on women and girls. We promote policies and strategies that ensure women and girls have equal access to learning, technology, income, leadership, and healthcare opportuneness. We monitor and support policies and programs that promote gender equality at all levels of social divide.


Universal access to education is still a major challenge with numerous bottlenecks in access and quality of education provided. IDHA’s approach promotes elimination of all barriers to education by promoting access and participation, and universal benefits for all including women, girls and marginalized people in vulnerable settings. We work with education-supporting individuals, NGOs and institutions of government to improve the quality of education by boosting capacities of teachers, improving the learning environment, and promoting minimum proficiency standards of reading and mathematics. We strive to harness the benefits of technology to ensure efficient delivery, monitoring and improvement of education goals and targets in order to improve learning outcomes. 

Meet our team

Current structure of Core Staff

Simon Olagai

Executive Director

Ismail Ibrahim Jusu

Programs Manager

Ben Ariko

Program Development Advisor

Agness Maato Durah

Gender and Advocacy Officer

Larry VIncent

Research and Development Manager

Saio Mansaray

Finance & Administration Manager


GIZ Sierra Leone 2023: Entrepreneurship in Agro-processing Training. This involved the development of curricula for Entrepreneurship, Cassava processing, Palm Kernel processing, Groundnut processing, and Hot Pepper processing, and training of 600 youth in the production of various assorted agriproducts (at least 3 per crop) under the fourth employment promotion programme (EPP4) of GIZ Sierra Leone. The training was conducted in the districts of Kono, Koinadugu, Falaba, Pujehun, and Kailahun.

World Food Programme (WFP) 2023: Entrepreneurship & Agro-processing Training and Coaching for Mother Support Groups involved in local production and marketing of Infant and young child foods in Pujehun, Kambia and Moyamba districts (Rice, Orange Fleshed Sweet Potato-OFSP, Sesame, Soya Beans, Fish and Groundnut).

Latter-day Saint Charities 2023 – 2025: Promoting sustainable access to safe water and sanitation in Sierra Leone. A new project that aims to construct water facilities and institutional latrines  in  36 schools, 24 health centres, and 24 deprived communities in Western Rural, Kambia, Port Loko, Kailahun, Pujehun and Kenema districts. The project will also empower local communities to demand for their right to safe water and sanitation (Advocacy on WASH).2021, 2022, 2023: Promoting access to clean water (Installation of Water Points in Western Rural, Moyamba and Kenema Districts)2022: Windstorm Disaster Relief (Emergency relief involving the distribution of items to 427 affected households in Bo District)

United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) 2023 – 2024: Empowering Youth Bike Riders as Sustainable Agents of Peace in Sierra Leone. Newly awarded Peace Building project to last 24 months.2021: Capacity building of entrepreneurs in Sierra Leone – Trained 10,640 budding entrepreneurs in the Western Area, Pujehun, Kailahun and Kambia districts.

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)2022: Training and Grant support to businesses affected by COVID-19 in Western Area
Urban (140 Microenterprises trained and given small grants)b)  2021: Training and Grant support to business affected by COVID-19 in Western Rural (258 Microenterprises trained and received grant support).

Save the Children SL 2021: Mapping of CSOs and District Government Officials; Formative research; developing a training module; and conducting Gender Equality trainings for CSOs and District Government Officials2021: Endline Evaluation of the project: Building Organizational Capacity of CSOs and Networks in Urban Slum Communities in Freetown to reduce negative effects of Adolescent Pregnancies (also called the “Second Chance Project.”)

EU/TROCAIRE Sierra Leone2019-2022: Empowered Kambia Civil Society, Women, and Youth Influence Agricultural Production and Sustainable Income Development. EU/TROCAIRE co-funded project implemented as a consortium of 4 CSOs led by Kambia District Development and Rehabilitation Organisation (KADDRO).

AGRI-RESEARCH PARTNERS – UK 2021 to date: Promoting access to markets for Cocoa and Coffee in 12 African Countries. Also, an on-going initiative to profile cocoa and coffee varieties in all producing countries in Africa as an initiative to promote access to markets in more developed countries.

RURAL SUPPORT INDIA 2021 to date: Support Commodity Trading and Access to Markets to Farmer Based Organizations in 12 Countries. An on-going initiative to create a  global  commodity trading platform with IDHA as lead partner for Africa.

April 2021, 2022: Sierra Leone Adult Education Association (SLADEA): Assessment and Capacity building of Community Based Organizations (CBOs) under the Bread for the World funded Small Grants Fund (SPF). IDHA assessed the capacities of the CBOs, the effectiveness of the SPF, and advised and supported SLADEA to improve the capacity building program for te new batch of CBOs.