IDHA is a nonprofit making Research and Development Organization, that works locally to transform lives by making development assistance more effective. IDHA works with organizations and individuals to build and rollout strategies that guarantee maximum results. 

We got our start in March 2014 during the peak of the Ebola crisis in Sierra Leone with a desire to bridge the gap in local capacity to respond and deliver adequate response and recovery initiatives. Our philosophy is to develop, test and scale innovative development and Disaster management strategies that ensure best value for money.

Since the IDHA inception, we have evolved into a Non-Governmental Organization that is dedicated to supporting local and sustainable initiatives in the area of Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security, Micro-Small and Medium Enterprise development. In 2022 IDHA has scaled up its operations in Liberia.


RESPECT: We treat the people, donors, partners and staff with respect and sensitivity. We value diversity and draw upon different cultures, ideas, experience and talents

ACCOUNTABILITY: We are accountable to the donors and Communities we work with.

INTEGRITY: We are driven by our commitment to enable poor rural people to overcome poverty. We are honest and act with integrity.

CREATIVITY and INNOVATION: We design, test and scale effective strategies for local economic development.


IDHA aims to strengthen the capacity of local communities to fight poverty and vulnerability through innovative social protection programs.

Vision Statement

IDHA works towards “a Just and poverty-free Sierra Leone.”

Mission Statement

Design test, and scale innovative development and disaster management approaches.


  • Donate
  • Volunteer:
  • Collaborate: IDHA is seeking collaboration with Research Institutions/ organizations and Universities on the following areas;
    • Climate Change and its potential impact on Agriculture and Food Security in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
    • Access to seed among Smallholder Farmers.
    • Digital transformation for Small holder Farmers.